How do you know if working with a fertility coach is right for you?

Breathwork and Reiki are complementary therapies that can provide significant benefits for individuals struggling with infertility. Here’s how each can help:

How can breathwork help?

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Stress is a common factor that can negatively impact fertility. Breathwork techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can help reduce stress and anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation, and reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol.
  2. Improves Oxygenation: Enhanced breathing techniques increase oxygen supply to the body’s tissues, including the reproductive organs. Better oxygenation can improve cellular function and overall reproductive health.
  3. Balances Hormones: Regular practice of breathwork can help balance hormones by reducing stress and improving the function of the endocrine system, which is crucial for reproductive health.
  4. Enhances Mind-Body Connection: Breathwork fosters a deeper connection between the mind and body, helping individuals become more attuned to their bodies and their reproductive health. This awareness can lead to healthier lifestyle choices that support fertility.

How can Reiki help?

  1. Promotes Deep Relaxation: Reiki is known for its ability to induce deep relaxation, which can help reduce the stress and anxiety often associated with infertility struggles. A relaxed state is conducive to a more balanced hormonal environment.
  2. Energy Balancing: Reiki works on the principle of energy flow within the body. By clearing blockages and balancing energy, Reiki can help improve the function of the reproductive organs and the overall energy flow in the body.
  3. Emotional Healing: Infertility can take an emotional toll. Reiki can help heal emotional wounds by releasing negative energy and promoting a sense of peace and emotional well-being, which can be beneficial for fertility.
  4. Supports the Body’s Natural Healing Processes: By enhancing the body’s natural healing processes, Reiki can support reproductive health and improve the chances of conception.


When used together, breathwork and Reiki can create a holistic approach to improving fertility. The combination of reducing stress, balancing energy, improving oxygenation, and enhancing mind-body awareness creates a supportive environment for reproductive health. These therapies can be particularly beneficial as part of a comprehensive fertility treatment plan, potentially enhancing the effectiveness of medical treatments and improving overall well-being.


I feel so alone in my experience with pregnancy loss and infertility. Is this something you understand?

Absolutely. I have been where you are and understand the devastating pain of pregnancy loss, secondary infertility, and the emotional rollercoaster of IVF. You are not alone, and you don’t have to suffer in silence. I’m here to walk this path with you.

How can I move past the pain and grief I'm experiencing?

Healing is a journey that requires strength and courage. Together, we’ll work towards moving from a place of profound pain, guilt, and isolation to acceptance, peace, and healing. It’s a process, but one step at a time, we can move towards the life you’ve envisioned for yourself.

Can I really find hope after multiple failed fertility treatments?

Yes, hope is always there. Despite my own failed rounds of IVF and fertility challenges, I conceived naturally over the age of 35. I believe in your strength and worthiness, and I’m here to support you in keeping hope alive..

What makes your support different from traditional therapy?

Traditional therapy often stops at initial emotions, thought patterns, and beliefs. As a TTC after loss Coach and certified health and wellness coach specializing in pregnancy, I offer a holistic approach that addresses the emotional complexities of pregnancy loss and infertility, providing you with the resources to understand how grief affects your body and fertility, and guiding you to take control of your fertility journey.

How do you help women on this journey?

I provide compassionate support and expert guidance based on firsthand experience. My goal is to empower you to find healing and hope and to discover a path forward in realizing your dream of motherhood. I offer emotional support and practical resources to process your grief, and I encourage you to believe in your strength and trust in your resilience.

Is it still possible for me to achieve motherhood?

It is possible. Every journey is unique, and while I can’t promise specific outcomes, I can promise to be by your side, offering support and sharing the knowledge that has helped me and many others. Your dreams are valid, and I am committed to helping you pursue them.